Aren't we all?

One of the most important gifts a parent can give a child 
is the gift of accepting that child’s uniqueness. –Fred Rogers

A little while back, I was wandering the hall of the church during our Free Lunch for All when one of our regulars, Pearl, showed up. Pearl is a devout young woman who usually attends with her helper, Maggie—but today, Pearl had a new friend with her.

I went over, greeted Pearl, and introduced myself to her friend. I asked her friend her name.

It’s nice to meet you, Pastor Heidi. I . . . am Unique.

It just doesn’t get much better than that. I was without words for about three seconds. Then I smiled, welcomed her and told her I loved her name, how much fun it must be one’s whole life to get to tell people, every day: I . . . am Unique.

And she is, too, with beautiful red braids, her own distinct sense of style, and a dazzling smile that warms the room.

She’s one of the fortunate ones whose name reminds everyone she meets that she is special. Just for today, look in the mirror and remind yourself:

I . . . am unique. God created me like no other person. God’s plan for my life is perfect for me alone. Thanks be to God.

Monday How are your listening skills these days? Is God still speaking for you to hear? Pause today and listen for God’s voice. 1 Kings 19:1-4

Tuesday When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Are you more likely to smile or scowl? 
1 Kings 19:5-9

Wednesday If you made a mental list of people you admire, how long before you add yourself to that list? Psalm 42

Thursday Is it easy for you to accept compliments? Why or why not? Today, give yourself a compliment every now and then. How does that feel? Isaiah 65:1-9

Friday Look outward today. If you encounter someone whose uniqueness is shining brightly, tell them so. You never know. . . . Luke 8:26-33

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, give thanks for who you are. If there are sharp, broken edges today, ask God to smooth them (or show you how to use your brokenness for God’s glory). Luke 8:34-39

Sunday It’s Sunday! Celebrate! Worship the Creator God in all God’s glory, and give thanks. Galatians 3:23-29

If everyone would look for that uniqueness, we would have a very colorful world. –Michael Schenker


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