Kingdom rays of Sunshine

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!
Let it shine! Let it shine! Let it shine!
--Traditional gospel song

Easter is over. We have said the words: Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! We have sung the chorus: Hallelujah! We have celebrated the Resurrection of the Lord one more time.

Now what?

Jesus came into the world fully human in appearance. He dwelt among us, loved all whom he encountered, healed the sick, dined with the hungry, comforted those in pain. On the final night he spent with those closest to them, he reminded them, one last time, of the challenges to come. He also told them, yet again, how he expected them to live:

A new commandment I have given you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love each other. (John 13:34)

The season of Easter this year continues for seven Sundays. For the next seven weeks, I urge you to continue to celebrate the return of Love in our world—and to be that love.

Sure, I have no doubt the disciples were afraid after Jesus was crucified. They never imagined it would end like that (even though Jesus told them, again and again, just how hard it would be to follow him). But right now, today, in this minute, you have no reason to fear. Christ’s Holy Spirit dwells within each of us, strengthening and empowering us always. Go. Be the Love. Fear not, for God is with you. Shine your Light.

Monday Easter candy is on sale! Pick up a few sweets and give them away to friends and strangers.
Acts 2:42-47

Tuesday Turn up the music, whether in your car or in your living room. If it makes your heart dance, move your feet! Praise God with your voice! Psalm 150

Wednesday Wednesday can feel so boring some weeks. Do something exciting today to get “over the hump.” Take a friend to lunch or rent a movie. Enjoy! Acts 5:27-32

Thursday John Wesley regularly asked his friends: Hos is it with your soul? Spend some time in quiet today and ask yourself that question. John 20:19

Friday Make an extra effort today to be polite and helpful. Open doors, Smile. Buy coffee (or ice cream) for the next person in line. John 20:21-23

Saturday During your prayer time today, ask questions if you have them. God doesn’t expect blind faith. Open your eyes and your heart to God. John 20:24-29

Sunday In many churches, today is Holy Humor Sunday, celebrating Christ’s victory over death. What can you do today to bring light and laughter to a world in need of healing? (Now do it!) 
Psalm 118:14-17

Be the change you wish to see in the world.
--Mohandas “Mahatma” Gandhi


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