Thanks in all things

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. 
–Melody Beattie

My pastor friend James lives in Chico, California, not far from Paradise. His church recently voted to close its doors, but in the wake of the horrific fires, their doors are open again. Members of surrounding communities have come together, bringing clothing and shoes and diapers and more. The clothes come by the truckload. People are offering new shirts, new jeans, socks, underwear—everything.

One day this past week, James filled the bed of his pickup truck with clothing and set off for a distribution center in another community. To get there, he hopped on the local toll road, realizing that it would cost him $5 to drive the toll road—but it was fastest, and these people who had lost so much deserved a break. So he set off, a man on a mission. A pastor with a purpose.

As James neared the end of his drive, he took the exit off the toll road and chose a gate without even thinking. Then this amazing thing happened, one of those “God moments” we so often miss.

The toll booth worker glanced at James’s truck and saw the clothing and supplies in the bed. He smiled and raised the gate. Go ahead, sir, he said. Your toll’s been paid. Taken by surprise, James asked who had paid his toll. The man simply smiled and said, Have a great day, sir. God bless you.

This, friends, is how God shows up in the world: in small, unexpected glimmers that take hold and grow, passing from one to another.

It only takes a spark to get a fire going. Strike a match. Set your world on fire with the Love of Christ.

Monday Gratitude begins close to home. Give thanks to God for those in your life who are like family, whether blood relatives or simply dear friends. Choose at least one, and tell them how you feel. 1 Chronicles 16:1-36

Tuesday Consider sending a note of appreciation and thanks to someone you seldom see or speak with. Give thanks. Exodus 14:13-14

Wednesday As you prepare for Thanksgiving, reach out to someone who perhaps does not have anyone with whom to share a meal. Consider inviting someone to join you, or make plans to assist at a dinner for those in need, such as at St. Malachi. Matthew 25:31-40

Thursday If you choose to shop today, make an extra effort to be kind and generous with those whom you encounter. Thank the public servants who cannot take a holiday. Ezra 3:10-13

Friday If you choose to participate in Black Friday shopping, consider picking up an item for a local mission. Give thanks for God’s generosity in your life. Psalm 119:89-96

Saturday Today is Small Business Saturday. If you choose to shop today, consider choosing a local merchant. Your business is a big “thank you.” Proverbs 21:3

Sunday Today is Christ the King Sunday. Advent begins next week. Spend some time in quiet stillness and reflect on the waiting that lies ahead. Matthew 2:1-18

When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. 
Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. 
If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself. --Tecumseh


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