A house divided?

A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, 
permanently, half slave and half free. –Abraham Lincoln

Three times in three gospels, similar words are recorded, spoken by Jesus: A house divided against itself cannot stand and will fall in desolation. That was a couple thousand years ago.

Things really haven’t changed much, have they?

People are constantly “taking sides” with greater fervency. Everyone seems to be absolutely certain their way of thinking is the only way; everyone who thinks otherwise is just wrong. And the internet makes it all seem even worse.

Even our churches are in need of healing. Money grows tight; we argue over finances and politics. We come on Sunday morning seeking the Love of Christ and discover our own humanity on display for the world to see.

Time to back the bus up. Why do we really come to church?

We come with longing in our hearts. A longing for something more, something not of this world. We come with a desire to rest, to allow ourselves to be found by God, loved by God—restored by God.

Welcome home. Forget all that other stuff people are fighting over. Focus on the one thing we all have in common. Focus on worship, and the rest will follow. Let the peace happen.

Monday Begin the week with a strong prayer for unity of understanding and healing among the nations of the world. Give thanks for diversity of thought. Ezekiel 36:23

Tuesday Our own nation stands divided in many ways, over wages, healthcare and more. Pray, again, for healing of mind and spirit. Galatians 3:28

Wednesday The great state of Ohio is hardly free from division. Today as you pray, offer prayer for our elected governor, senators and representatives. Allow God to speak to your soul. Acts 3:1-10

Thursday Pray today for your neighbors in the community in which you live. Pray for a unified vision among community leaders and schools. Titus 3:1-2

Friday Pray for the Cleveland arts communities as summer arrives and opportunities emerge. Pray for a strong, unified voice among leaders. Romans 13:8-10

Saturday In your quiet time today, listen for points of disquiet or discord within your own soul. Ask God to guide you to peace. Proverbs 14:30

Sunday Pray for The United Methodist Church as Annual Conferences begin and we continue to wrestle over issues of human rights and love. Greet one another this morning in love. Ephesians 6:23-24

Never be too angry beyond repairs. Anger is nothing good to be part of your tributes. 
Are you angry with someone?
The sun is sinking, just drop it now. –Israelmore Ayivor


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