Whew! Just made it. . . .

Be faithful in small things, because it is in them that your strength lies. –Mother Teresa

It happens to me all the time, and I bet it happens to you, too.

I’m running late, and I really dislike running late. I race around like a madwoman, grab my things and blow out the door, rolling my eyes in disgust. There is no way I am going to be on time. Ack!

But as I begin the drive, I notice: traffic seems lighter than expected. I’m hitting every single light—green. And as I pull into the parking lot, there’s a space waiting for me, right up front. I glance at my watch. Somehow, I’m not late. I’m not even on time. I am early!

And then—I just can’t help it—I give thanks: for the traffic, the green lights, the parking space.

My eyes roll (again), and I go through my usual monologue with God, because I am acutely aware that every green light for me meant a red light for many of God’s other children. So my monologue usually goes something like this:

God, I really am grateful that I made all those green lights, and that close-in parking space was awesome! But I really don’t believe you did those things. Not really.

But on the other hand . . . I am absolutely certain that you love me—and each of your children—so much that you would do all these little things and more. And for that immense love, I am truly grateful. Amen.

(This week, each passage is a single, little verse. Try to spend at least your usual amount of time, even though the passage is a little thing.)

Monday During mealtime, put your fork down between bites. Really taste the food you are eating. Give thanks. Psalm 133:1

Tuesday Listen more than you speak today. Spend time in silence, while in the company of others. Psalm 139:4

Wednesday Look at your hands. Notice the lines and wrinkles, maybe the scars. Try not to judge; just observe. 1 Corinthians 15:51

Thursday Try something new today: a new food or beverage, a new route to work or to walk. Reflect on the experience. Ecclesiastes 11:1

Friday Today, deliberately find your way outside at sunrise or sunset (or both). Watch in silence as the day begins or ends. Let your heart seek God. Psalm 100:4

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, invite God to reveal in you a place where God is at work. How do you feel about this? Give thanks. Luke 5:4

Sunday If you arrive early, listen to the stillness of the sanctuary—or seek out another space in the church where you can experience the emptiness. Where is God in the vacancy? Psalm 4:1

One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak. –G. K. Chesterton


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