No room to negotiate.

True love is selfless. It is prepared to sacrifice. –Sadhu Vaswani

Jesus is drawing nearer and nearer to the cross, well aware that his time on earth is limited. He decides it is Time to begin teaching his disciples more about what will happen next. As he is explaining that the path ahead will, in fact, be very difficult and painful for all of them, Peter pipes up.

Lord, he says, shush. You don’t have to die!

At which point Jesus offers a timeless, classic rebuttal to us all:

Get thee behind me, Satan! You’re thinking like people think, not like God thinks!

Peter was beginning to think he had it all figured out: follow this Jesus, find a new way of living. He liked what he was learning—but now this. His new friend just made it perfectly clear: If you cannot listen and follow God’s plan, then at the very least don’t become a roadblock, an adversary. Get behind me. Stay out of God’s way.

Lent offers the chance to reassess our priorities, to determine where we are falling short or misusing our talents for this world rather than employing our unique gifts to shine God’s light.

Where do you need to change your way of thinking (and living)? What in your life has become more important than taking time out to listen to God’s voice? Are you storing up treasures of this world? Like Peter, have you become an adversary to God’s way? Listen to the voice of God’s beloved son. Follow behind him as he leads.

Monday Allow yourself to be vulnerable today before God and a trusted friend. Receive God’s love and peace. Mark 8:23-26

Tuesday Have you been hurt or suffered a loss recently? Have you truly offered your pain or anguish (or anger) to God? Take time today and be honest about the loss or pain. Rest. 1 Corinthians 6:5

Wednesday Jesus reminds us to take up our cross and follow him. He doesn’t tell us to carry our cross alone. (Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus carry his.) Who will you help (or help you)? Mark 15:21-24

Thursday Just for today, allow yourself to be as dependent as necessary on someone else. Turn down the bravado and simply say thank you. I Kings 9:4-5

Friday Dr. Seuss’s birthday In celebration, read a book or two to someone else. It doesn’t have to be a child. Psalm 18:1-3

Saturday Are you a journal writer? Consider, today, writing a bit about repentance and forgiveness. Prepare your spirit for Holy Communion. Mark 7:20-23

Sunday Come together remembering the totality of God’s sacrifice for humanity. Rest in the promise and give thanks in prayer. 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying. –Joan of Arc


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