Losing feeling. . . .

A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just.
–Pope Francis

So far in Cleveland, 2018 has given us of frozen pipes and furnace failures, snow forts and icy rivers. Some days, the cold seems to seep straight into our bones. The sunshine, while brilliant, does little to warm the frozen landscape.

Then came the warm-up. The frozen landscape turned to mud; frozen rivers jammed up and leapt their banks. A real weather roller coaster.

It’s been challenging. And we have survived. These are the days when John Wesley would ask—and listen for the answer:

How is it with your soul?

Have you experienced a “spiritual winter”? A season when, despite brilliance and light all around, our soul feels cold and alone? God can seem so very far away, his voice barely a whisper (if we can hear God at all). Spiritual winter comes to each of us, perhaps for a day, a week—or a seemingly interminable stretch.

And then, when we least expect it, a warm spell, often coming from other people. Friends and family who listen as we explain how God just seems to have disappeared. . . . And the glimmer of warmth grows stronger.

We need one another, especially during spiritual dry spells. God’s very nature is one of community. Don’t stay out in the cold. Come together. Pass the Light. Let your heart be warmed.

Monday Is there someone you haven’t seen in church for a couple weeks (even though it’s been miserably cold)? Pray for them; then take a few minutes to drop them a line or make a phone call. Ezekiel 34:11-16

Tuesday If your neighborhood is like mine, we often lose touch during the cold months. Reach out today to a neighbor whom you haven’t seen recently. Romans 13:9-10

Wednesday Today (or another day this week), if you stop for a coffee or a bite to eat, consider paying for the person behind you in line. (Once begun, this often spreads like wildfire and goes on for a long time.) Luke 6:37-38

Thursday Pray today for those who are hospitalized, especially those who have come from out of town to be served by our wonderful health communities here. Pray, as well, for those travelling for surgical care. 1 Peter 2:9-10

Friday Pray for folks who volunteer in our community: in schools, in hospitals, serving meals to the homeless. Consider volunteering your time or perhaps making a donation to a local organization. Ezekiel 36:26-27

Saturday Today as you pray for yourself, give thanks for the many opportunities you have to reach out to others. Pause and think for a few minutes: how is your life a living Gospel? 1 Corinthians 1:17

Sunday Pray for our local students of all ages. Give thanks for their curious minds. Let them inspire you to always be learning something new. Proverbs 1:20-21 

It was so cold today that I saw a dog chasing a cat, and the dog was walking. 
–Mickey Rivers


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