Hopeful, loving, joyous peace.

Real faith has perfect peace and joy and a shout at any time. It always sees the victory. –Smith Wigglesworth

Something remarkable happened in December 1914, during World War I. No one quite understands it.

In the week leading up to Christmas, in some areas, French, German and British soldiers laid down their arms and set aside their differences. They ventured into No Man’s Land, exchanged greetings and hugs, shared a smoke and a story. Care packages from home belonged to everyone.

It was as if God’s own Holy Spirit moved across the front lines and insisted on being recognized and welcomed.

Soccer games broke out. Peals of joy and laughter replaced the sounds of gunfire and rocket blasts.

Like little children, men took a break from the painful realities of war that surrounded them. The peaceable kingdom, in some small realms, was at hand.

And God saw, and I am certain, God declared, It is good.

Of course, it couldn’t last, not as long as even one heart was filled with unrest. But it’s happened before; it can happen again. The little child Jesus can lead us.

Peace on earth. So much more than words on a Christmas card.

Let peace begin, this very day, with me and with you. Amen.

Monday Begin the week with silence. Sit in stillness for as long as you are able. Listen for God’s voice through the quiet. Give thanks. Jeremiah 23:5-8

Tuesday If you are able, walk outside today. Feel the air on your skin; embrace God’s touch. Isaiah 11:1-9

Wednesday Seek out a crowded place, a mall or other busy center. You know God is hanging out there, as well, right? Watch and listen. Breathe deeply. Isaiah 9:2-6

Thursday Make yourself a cup of your favorite hot beverage. Consider inviting someone to share it with you.  Before you taste it, allow yourself to partake of its fragrance. Savor each mouthful. Give thanks. Luke 1:26-38

Friday So many cold, hungry, hurting children of all ages in the world! Today, change one life for the better. How you do it is up to you. Try not to get caught. Luke 2:8-20

Saturday Saturday. Time for reflection. Did you enjoy this week, in the face of the Christmas rush? How might you make this calming experience a habit? (It’s all in your hands. God will show up when we seek God’s presence.) John 1:1-14.

Sunday Christmas Eve How will you allow the Light of Christ to take root in your heart and in your everyday way of living? Ponder and pray. Luke 2:19

Divine love is perfect peace and joy, it is a freedom from all disquiet, it is all content and happiness; and makes everything to rejoice in itself. –William Law


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