Getting the last laugh.

In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed. –Khalil Gibran

In many congregations, the Sunday following Resurrection Sunday is celebrated as Holy Humor Sunday. There are as many ways to celebrate as there are celebrants. Some pastors encourage children to tell knock-knock jokes or elephant jokes (Q: Why did the elephant stand on the marshmallow? A: So she wouldn’t fall in the hot cocoa.) Folks might be invited to wear silly hats or crazy-colored socks. The creativity of the church is the only limit.

What’s behind this zany show of humor, anyway?

When Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found the stone rolled away and the tomb empty, and when Jesus appeared, first to her and later on, to Jesus’ disciples, one thing became very clear. Death was not going to have the last word. Jesus’ resurrection was the ultimate affirmation of life.

In other words, God definitely had the last laugh.

Sometimes Christians get a reputation of being serious all the time, of losing their sense of humor over their quest for eternity. But take a look around. God’s sense of humor is constantly on display. The diversity of Creation, the many, many things that just make no sense, to me, are clear examples of our living, loving God wanting his children to enjoy life, to relax and appreciate things that are different and unusual—and to take delight in all these things. Go ahead—laugh!

Monday Share a joke with someone today. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. Your goal should simply be to bring a smile to another person. Go for it. Exodus 15:1-18

Tuesday Put on some music and dance as if no one is watching. Or dance because someone is watching. Find a partner and celebrate together with dance. 2 Samuel 6:12-15

Wednesday Is there a funny movie or TV show you haven’t enjoyed for a while? The library has DVDs available to borrow. Give yourself a treat and a smile. Mark 6:14-29

Thursday Any day is a good day for a random act of kindness. What will you do to brighten the day of a stranger? Luke 10:25-37

Friday Take a walk outside. Look for God’s humor on display. Give thanks for the beauty of this season and the renewal of spring. Ecclesiastes 3:9-15

Saturday Sing. Whether you think you can carry a tune or not, turn up the music and sing along. God absolutely loves the sound of God’s children singing! Psalm 96

Sunday Worship the Lord with your whole being. Lift your voice, rejoice and celebrate God’s victory over death, the last laugh. Amen! Psalm 150

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. –Victor Hugo


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