A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. 
–Charles Spurgeon

There are many people today, from the White House to the corner grocery store, who are upset about the way the media are reporting the goings-on in the world. Do your homework, they say. Get your facts straight! Whatever happened to the Five W’s? (In case you’ve forgotten: the Five W’s are Who, What, When, Where and Why. And their companion How, as well.)

When it comes to understanding the world, we are all expected to ask questions, to seek the truth—and we expect others to do the same. Many times, my mother would send us to look something up if we didn’t understand it, and I am grateful she did. Enquiring minds, after all, want to know.

But so often when it comes to Scripture, we are told simply to accept or believe “on faith.” No need to ask questions, just trust in God. God will never steer you wrong.

While that’s true, it’s also not. God gave us brains, and God expects us to use them. There is absolutely no reason not to approach faith questions with a curious mind. If you’re puzzled about something, ask Why? Ask any question. Seeking knowledge is not doubting or faithlessness. It’s using every bit of who God created you to be, seeking to draw closer to God’s heart and, in so doing, to better understand ourselves and our calling in this life.

Hold yourself to the same high standard we expect of those charged with finding the truth and reporting it. Ask. Seek. Know.

Monday Pause for a minute and think about what this Gospel message of Good News really means to you. Give thanks. Philippians 2:6-11

Tuesday Ask a friend or family member what the message of the Gospel means to them. Is it the same as what you believe? Share more. John 12:13

Wednesday Did you attend Sunday school as a child? Were you encouraged to ask questions? Pray for Sunday school programs in your community. Proverbs 22:6

Thursday What is the best news you have ever heard? Who told you—and who did you tell? Have you spoken with them recently? John 11:38-44

Friday Pause and remember a time you had to share bad news with someone. Was there something you did to make it easier? Pray for the recipient of the news.
2 Corinthians 12:8-10

Saturday As you pray today for yourself, remember when you first believed in the message of God’s unfailing love. Give thanks. Jeremiah 1:4-5

Sunday Worship is a time to gather and praise God. Whether you choose to praise and celebrate with song or words, prayer or rest, enjoy this time together. Welcome home. Isaiah 6:1-8

Find out who you are and be that person. That’s what your soul was put on this Earth to be. Find that truth, live that truth, and everything else will come. –Ellen DeGeneres


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