You belong here.

When we talk about communities, we seldom discuss the margins. But for every person nestled comfortably in the bosom of a community, there is someone else on the outskirts, feeling ambivalent. Ambiguous. Excluded. Unwilling or unable to come more fully into the fold. –Adam Mansbach

My husband and I are part of a group with common goals, and presumably a similar commitment to reaching those goals. We meet once a week to share successes and less-than-successful weeks. Usually, we come away invigorated, affirmed and ready to go.

But last week was different.

Last week, at one point, the group leader made a statement. (I’m paraphrasing here, to protect the folks involved.)

If you don’t do exactly this, then you don’t belong in this group.

Immediately, my mind left the meeting and I wondered how often we, as the church, say similar things without thinking about it.

Baptized (or not) as an infant? Not in our church! Don’t believe the world was created in seven days? >Gasp< Noah’s ark story—literal (or not)? Many churches use such criteria (and worse) to decide who’s in and who’s out. But Jesus wasn’t big on leaving people out. Period.

Come. Listen. Ask questions. Even tough ones. God wants you—and that’s all that matters. You belong here. With the rest of us questioning, doubting, listening children of God. You are welcome here.

Monday In today’s world, we remember the stories of Jesus’ birth by reading them again. Imagine not having the written word. What story would you learn to tell every year to your children or grandchildren? Isaiah 9:2-7

Tuesday Stop and consider someone to whom you are a light that shines. Today is a good day for a random act of kindness. (So is tomorrow!) Galatians 5:22-23

Wednesday Stand before a mirror and remind yourself to whom you belong. Listen for the whisper in your heart. Reminding you that you are God’s highly favored one.
1 Corinthians 13:11-12
Thursday God’s euangelion, or good news, came to those in life’s margins, the poverty pockets of Jerusalem. Where do you see God’s hand at work in your community? Luke 2:8-14

Friday Think today about how you pray-- not the words, but your attitude. Try something a little different. Consider journaling the experience. Ecclesiastes 9:10

Saturday As we draw closer to Christmas, life can become even more hectic. Pause. Do nothing. Rest. Allow the joy to return to your spirit. Matthew11:28-30

Sunday We have a tremendously gifted Music & Arts team! Thank God today for their talents and willingness to share, not for their own glory, but to the glory of God. Psalm 108:1-5

By building relations we create a source of love and personal pride and belonging that makes living in a chaotic world easier. –Susan Lieberman


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