A winning strategy

In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved,
how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go
of things not meant for you. –the Buddha

Author John Ortberg writes about playing Monopoly with his grandmother as a child. The game could be going along smoothly; he might even be winning. But then a sudden turn of events would find him on the losing end, and the game would be over. And no matter how many properties he had acquired, no matter how much money he had in his bank, at the end of the game, the tiny racecar and the Scottie dog and all the rainbow-colored properties would go back in the box. Everything he had worked toward counted for nothing. But the times spent playing with his grandmother forged indelible memories and helped him learn what really matters in the world.

Of course, the game isn’t Monopoly; it’s Life. And at the end of the game, everything winds up—in a box. A box about six feet long and a couple of feet wide. And everything we have accumulated in our lifetime, all the stuff—well, in case you haven’t heard? You can’t take it with you.

We are approaching a season of giving. This year, how might we once more turn our eyes towards the original focus of Christmas, and give back in meaningful ways to those who are important in our lives? How will you change the world this Advent season?

Monday Begin the week by praying for the victims of the many recent natural disasters, such as the earthquake and tsunami that struck New Zealand, leaving devastation in its wake. (Want to help? Consider a donation to UMCOR.) Isaiah 53:4

Tuesday Pray today for an end to violence in our schools, both the threat of gun violence and the very real dangers of bullying. Pray by name for a child in your life. Isaiah 49:15-16

Wednesday Find an opportunity today to perform a random act of kindness. Pray for the recipient and for the giver. Matthew 10:29-31

Thursday Pray today for God to show you ways to exercise ecological and social awareness as you shop this holiday season. (Looking for a charity to support? Consider the Heifer Project or Zoe Ministry.) Isaiah 2:4

Friday Take a moment today to reflect on the ways God has blessed you in your life. Thank God for his generosity. With whom is God calling you to share your blessing? Ezekiel 34:25-31

Saturday You are a child of the Most High. In you, God is well-pleased. Rest in your identity as God’s beloved. Romans 1:5-6

Sunday Take a moment today to say thank you to someone. It may be a friend at your church, a neighbor or family member. Tell them they matter. Make a difference in a life. John 1:14

I wouldn’t have dared ask God for all that He’s given me. I couldn’t have done it on my own. I thank God every day for what I have. –Loretta Lynn


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