White space

Make an empty space in any corner of your mind, and creativity will instantly fill it. 
–Dee Hock

What’s the most important part of a book or newspaper? The words, right? The story being put forth. The message being offered.

But what if . . . whatiftherewerentanyemptyspacesatallbetweenthewordsandnoplaceforyoureyetogototakeabreak?

What if there weren’t any empty spaces at all between the words, and no place for your eye to go, to take a break? 

Suddenly, it becomes abundantly clear that emptiness can be just as important as fullness or busyness.

It’s the same with our lives, as well. We need white space, empty time where we can pause, sort things out, process what’s come before and what lies ahead.

Our spiritual lives need white space, too. Besides making time to read Scripture or devotional materials, we need “down time” to meditate on such things.

Besides attending worship for the music and message, we need white space to allow ourselves to listen with our hearts. We need time to think about the hymns and their lyrics. And we need space to review the words spoken and discern, for ourselves, what they mean to us, today, in our twenty-first century world. We need time to ruminate and reflect.

How crowded is your daily life? Have you left enough space for reflection? (Are you sure?) This week, let’s slow the pace down. Hit the pause button. Listen in the margins for Jesus’ whisper.

Monday Rest in quiet for at least five minutes. Listen to the sound of your own rhythmic breathing. Jeremiah 18:1-11

Tuesday Rest in quiet for at least five minutes. Can you hear your heartbeat? Imagine your pulse as the very source of your life (which it is). Deuteronomy 30:15-17

Wednesday Rest in quiet for at least five minutes. Allow the sounds of the world going by to draw your attention. What do you hear? Consider journaling. Psalm 1:1-6

Thursday Rest in quiet for at least five minutes. This time, if you are distracted by noises around you, focus more deeply. Can you ignore the world—for five minutes? Philemon 1:4-6

Friday Rest in quiet for at least five minutes. Focus on relaxing as you breathe. Try breathing in for four, hold for 5, and exhale for seven. Repeat and relax. Psalm 139:1-6

Saturday Rest in quiet for at least five minutes. Consider talking about what you’ve experienced this week with a spiritual companion. Psalm 139:13-18

Sunday Rest in quiet for at least five minutes. Reflect on where you were fifteen years ago on this date. Pray for the families who lost loved ones that day, and for first responders who continue to protect and to serve. 1 Samuel 12:20-24

I decided I would fill the emptiness in me with God and with paint. –Kimberly Novosel


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