Open wide!
We must welcome the future,
remembering that it will soon be the past; and we must respect the past,
remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible. –George Santayana
Some people think we
are nearing a crisis in this country.
By the year 2045, there
will no longer be a single, racial majority; in fact, we will be a “majority of
minorities.” More and more, we are truly becoming a “melting pot,” or “salad
bowl,” welcoming people from every corner of the world, inviting them to make a
fresh start, living life in freedom and relative safety.
Many people see this as
a frightening prospect. There is talk of building walls to keep people out,
sending people “back where they came from”—even when it means sending them back
to war and destruction. Some seem to have forgotten that Jesus was far more
interested in bringing people together than dividing them over things that just
don’t matter.
Honestly, the church
should be excited by this prospect. After all, the Kingdom of God reigns when
there is neither Greek nor Jew, slave nor free, male nor female—for we are all
one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28).
No longer will we be known for our segregation on Sunday mornings. The love of
Christ will be all that matters. Together, we will turn our eyes forward into a
future where love truly wins.
Are you ready? Are you
on board? Will you open your heart and be the change the world so desperately
Monday Many, many studies show that people come to church
(or any event or service) because they were invited. Ask God to show you
someone whom you could invite to worship. Pray for an opportunity to do so. John 21:26-27
Tuesday Pause and reflect on the unconditional love Christ
offers to each one of us, just as we are. Give thanks and rest. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Wednesday Where is there chaos in your life? Pray that God
would bring peace, comfort and hope to an area of your life that feels out of
control. Give thanks and rest. Isaiah
Thursday Who has had an influence on your faith journey?
Consider writing them a note of thanks. Ask God to guide your heart in being a
light to others. Pass it on. Acts 2:42-47
Friday John Wesley saw value in small group meetings as a
way to deepen relationships. Consider where you find relationship at your
church. Thank God for this family. 1
Samuel 12:22-24
Saturday As you pray for yourself today, listen. Is the Spirit
leading you in a new direction? Pray for clarity and for courage to follow
faithfully. Exodus 4:10-12
Sunday As we gather this morning to worship, meditate on the
hymns. As St. Augustine observed: The one who sings, prays twice. Give thanks
and lift your voice! Isaiah 42:10-11
thy neighbor. Thy homeless neighbor. Thy Muslim neighbor. Thy black neighbor.
Thy gay neighbor. Thy white neighbor. Thy Jewish neighbor. Thy Christian
neighbor. Thy atheist neighbor. Thy racist neighbor. Thy addicted neighbor.
Just love thy neighbor --Anonymous
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