Moving mountains

Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. –Voltaire

I lost a dear friend recently. Bruce was a man of deep, abiding faith. His son told this story at Bruce’s funeral:

After a terrible hurricane tore up the Gulf Coast, Bruce volunteered to accompany a work team of about 2000 teenagers to Mississippi, to rebuild houses lost to the storm. Bruce had a lifetime of experience in construction and design, and remained a teenager at heart for his entire life; it was a perfect match.

The houses were to be built up on posts, to better withstand future high waters; an “advance team” had placed, poured and set these posts several days earlier. All Bruce’s team had to do was begin the construction of the actual houses. But there was a problem.

As Bruce looked over the posts, it was apparent to his experienced eye that they weren’t set true to plumb. In fact, they were off by about five inches—and set deep in the earth, in holes filled with concrete.

Bruce being Bruce, after the initial shock, turned to the team and said, “Well, there’s nothing we can do. Only God can fix this. So we better start praying.” And pray they did. They prayed around the sites five times—and went to bed.

And believe it or not (but I promise, it’s true), the next morning, those posts set deep in the earth, in holes filled with concrete, were straight and true, aligned as they needed to be.

Faith can move mountains (or posts). The prayers of a faithful one can bring things—and lives-- back in line. Only believe.

Monday Scripture is filled with miracles that boggle our rational minds. When the Israelites’ backs were against the wall, God parted the Red Sea. Only believe. Exodus 13:17-22

Tuesday It took a lot of faithful men and a lot of prayer to bring down the walls at Jericho, but God was faithful. Only believe. Joshua 5:13-6:20

Wednesday David, a child armed with a child’s toy and childlike faith, brought down the Philistine because David knew the Almighty and trusted in God. Only believe. 1 Samuel 17:32-50

Thursday Elisha restored life to the Shunammite’s son, even when all hope seemed lost, because Elisha believed in the One True God who is faithful. Only believe. 2 Kings 4:11-37

Friday Forgiveness of sins and healing of a paralytic in Capernaum were Jesus’ way of reminding folks of the faithfulness of God. Only believe. Mark 2:1-12

Saturday A few salted herrings and a couple loaves of bread fed thousands, even when the disciples had no idea what Jesus was up to. God provides. Only believe. Mark 6:30-44

Sunday Jesus calms the storms on the sea and the storms in our lives. Rest in God’s grace—and believe. Mark 6:45-52

To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible. –Thomas Aquinas


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