Don't stand by.

It’s been a long, long time comin’, but I know a change is gonna come. Oh, yes, it will. –Sam Cooke

It’s happened again. The national news anchor interrupts our game shows and soap operas with breaking news: More lives lost in another tragic school shooting. Another child killed in a drive-by. A baby girl caught in gang crossfire.

Politicians and “talking heads” line up as the usual rhetoric begins. And for a few days—maybe even a week—we will be, in turns, angry, grieving, sad—and tired. And then, as usual, we begin to rationalize and to forget. There’s nothing I can do, we say. Bad people will always find a way to do bad things. . . .

Let the hand-wringing begin. And the finger-pointing. And the excuse making.

Do not buy in to the lies and politics. The lives of all our children and grandchildren are too precious to allow them to become pawns in political parrying.

Whether you believe the problem lies in too many guns or too few curfews, mental illness or a sick society, doesn’t really matter. The solution is as complex as the problem.

What does matter is taking charge and taking action. Pray. Write letters to your elected representatives and to the local newspapers. Make phone calls. And even more important: go outside and get to know your neighbors. Vow to be part of the village that, together, raises safe, happy children to become responsible, loving adults. Speak up. Speak out. Change is gonna come. Why not here? Why not now? Why not us?

Monday Begin your week in silence. Listen both to your heart and for the voice of the Lord. But don’t stop with prayer. Take action. John 10:10

Tuesday Today, pray for your neighbors, by name if you can. If you don’t know their names, go out and introduce yourself. Reach out. Proverbs 25:18

Wednesday Now pray for your community, by name, and for the community of your friends or family nearby. Contact someone you’ve been thinking about. 1 Corinthians 10:12

Thursday As our cities grow and change, pray for those leading the way. Do you know who your state and national representatives and senators are? Have you contacted them about these tragic events in our nation? Why not today? Romans 2-3

Friday Pray for the leaders of the world, especially our own president and those who believe they want to hold that office. Consider working on a campaign for a candidate you consider worthy. Luke 16:13

Saturday As you pray today for yourself, look deep. Are there biases in your heart that you try to pretend aren’t there? Confess before God and allow God to change your heart. It may be harder than you expect. Rest in grace. Mark 12:28-31

Sunday We work hard at welcoming everyone, because we believe they belong to God (just like us). Celebrate the many, many colors, faces and voices of the Family of Christ. Matthew 25:35-36

When you pray, then move your feet. –African proverb


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