Worth celebrating.

Fifty-three percent of Americans say they believe God and the nation have a special relationship, a concept stretching back to Pilgrim days. 
Even a third of atheists, agnostics and those with no religious preference believe America has a special relationship with God. –Lifeway Research poll

Last week, we celebrated America’s 239th birthday. July 4 is always an exciting day, with parades and picnics, softball games and fireworks. Folks dress up in red, white and blue. Kids attach flag spinners to their tricycles and bicycles as they ride through the neighborhood. Strains of America the Beautiful and God Bless America fill the air.

And the food! Fire up the grill! Bring on the ribs and hotdogs, potato salad and corn-on-the-cob! (Diet? What diet??) It is America’s birthday, after all! time to celebrate! God bless America!

Meanwhile . . . the week before, my church opened its doors to the neighborhood, prepared a hot, nutritious meal with love, for those who don’t always have enough, people to whom life has dealt a difficult hand. In Denver and other cities, loving Christ-followers gather in the park every day, offering love, communion, a listening ear and a PBJ to those who call the streets their home. Hungry? Come—and eat. Have an extra sandwich, and remember: God loves you, just because. No judgment, no questions asked. Love is in the air: love of God and love of one’s neighbor.

I wonder which celebration God finds more pleasing. Come and see what God is seeing—and doing—in the world.

Monday Think back to the very first time you attended a church. Remember the person who invited you to “come and see” (even if it was your mother). Give thanks.  Luke 17:11-19

Tuesday Recall a time when something unforgettable happened in your life, a time when you wanted everyone to “come and see” for themselves. Share your story.    2 Kings 5:1-15

Wednesday The Gospel is Good News! Pause and reflect on what that means—to you. Share this Good News as only you can. John 12:32-44

Thursday People come-- to church, to a party—because they are invited. How might you extend Christ’s invitation to “come and see” the Kingdom of God? (What’s holding you back?) Matthew 5:1-10

Friday What draws you to God? What irresistible sweetness brings you back, week after week? Pause in gratitude. John 20:1-18

Saturday Today I invite you to seek the presence of the Divine in silence. Unplug, power down and simply be. Listen for God’s invitation, “You, come see.” Isaiah 6:1-8

Sunday Consider sitting someplace different this morning. Just as holding a gem to the light and turning it reveals new, delicate beauty, so, too, might ‘relocating” invite you to “come and see” in a whole new way. 1 Kings 10:1-9

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate, --Oprah Winfrey


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