Jiggety jig.

The thrill of coming home has never changed. –Guy Pearce

We have been on a long journey together. It began as a dream: a desire to become truly one congregation, a place where God’s grace and agape love flow freely, uninhibited, to all. We wanted our worship space to reflect the openness of the Kingdom, too, the hope and promise of a future where love wins and peace prevails, while honoring the saints who paved the way, brave souls from whom we have learned so much.

Our “extended summer” in the Great Hall has given us time. Time to reflect, to take a break—to be open to the new and different ways God’s Holy Spirit is moving and working among us, transforming lives and hearts. It has also given us time to mourn together, even as we celebrate and anticipate what lies ahead. It’s okay—normal and healthy, even—to have mixed emotions about our renovated Sanctuary.

And now, finally, it is complete. We gather this morning for the first time in this new space. We have returned—home.

What’s changed is the worship space: more open, more welcoming—fresh. What hasn’t changed? The love we feel for one another and the ways we care for one another in all times and all seasons.

So—how does it feel (for you)?

Monday During your quiet time today, remember a time when you returned home after a long absence. How were you received? Pray for broken families. Psalm 84:3-5

Tuesday Pause today and reflect on a time when you had to leave home. What was behind the decision? How do you feel now, looking back? Pray for young adults at life’s crossroads. Proverbs 3:33-34

Wednesday Many are returning to the Church in the Circle, some out of curiosity, others out of love. Think about what it means to welcome someone long absent. Luke 15:11-32

Thursday How do you feel about “old” and “new”? (Be honest.) Pause and reflect on our many valued traditions and how meaningful they are to you. 1 Timothy 4:9-10

Friday Today, be honest with yourself and transparent with God: What are you afraid of? Listen for God’s words of comfort. 2 Corinthians 5:16-19

Saturday Pray today for yourself. What will you do to support your church family as we move forward? Matthew 9:16-17

Sunday Look around. Seek out a new face. Welcome them with the same love shown to you by the Almighty. 2 John :12

Never make your home in a place. Make a home for yourself inside your own head. You’ll find what you need to furnish it—memory, friends you can trust, love of learning, and other such things. That way it will go with you wherever you journey. –Tad Williams


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