Lost and Found

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. –Billy Graham

Remember that big box from elementary school? It had big letters hand-written on the side in Magic Marker: LOST & FOUND. It became the “resting place” for things no one knew what to do with: one mitten with the thumb beginning to unravel; a pair of glasses held together with adhesive tape; a spiral notebook left behind on the school bus. All these things, once valuable, now seem to have outlived their usefulness.

But once in awhile, someone persists. That mitten, for instance, turns out to be a child’s favorite, knit by his grandmother, and when it is reunited with the child who lost it, that child’s joy is unmistakable!

Matthew’s gospel recounts the parable of the lost sheep (Matthew 18). The Good Shepherd, we are reminded, cares so deeply for the whole flock that if even one lamb wanders off, the shepherd will leave the ninety-nine to seek the one and return it to the fold.

There is not a one among us who has not wandered off. Maybe you’ve even felt as if the Shepherd has turned away and wasn’t even aware you were missing. Nothing could be further from the truth. Each one of us is beloved by God; if we go missing, the picture is incomplete.

This week, we will rummage through the parables of Jesus’ lost—and found.

Monday Reach out with a phone call or note to a family member whom you haven’t heard from recently. Let your heart lead you in prayer. Matthew 18:12-14

Tuesday Is there someone you’ve noticed missing from the Church? Don’t wait for Heidi or Judy to notice; reach out to them yourself. Luke 17:11-19

Wednesday Offer a smile or a kind word to a cashier or someone with whom you are waiting in line. Set aside your agenda and listen. Luke 15:8-10

Thursday On the anniversary of the date the towers fell, practice random acts of kindness, just because. Pray for those whose lives are wracked by terror. Luke 18:9-14

Friday Tell someone (or more than one) how much he or she matters in your life. Ask if they have any special needs. Pray with and/ or for them. Matthew 7:24-30

Saturday Pause today as you pray for yourself and reflect on a time when you were lost or felt like you were lost, separated from those who care about you. How did it feel to be reunited (or are you still waiting)? Rest and give thanks. Luke 15:11-32

Sunday (Rally Day—welcome back!) Spend some time today in prayer for and about the Church in the Circle. What does it mean that All are welcome. All the time?

The Church is the great lost-and-found department. –Robert Short


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