Plans? What plans??

The best-laid plans o’ mice an’ men gang aft agley.
—Robert Burns

Someone recently confessed to me, tongue-in-cheek, to feeling personally responsible for the many, many snowy Sundays we have experienced this winter. They suggested that it’s because their church plans such deep, meaningful worship experiences each week that we keep getting these Snowy Sundays.

In other words, our plans and God’s Plan seem to be on a collision course. (Like that would ever happen in life, she said sarcastically.)

But the other side of that coin would have us believe that “everything happens for a reason,” and I am not completely sure I can buy into that one, either. We live in a broken, imperfect world where things just happen. And much of the time there seems to be no good reason for it.

Here’s what I do know, without a doubt: through it all and through it all, I believe God loves us beyond our deepest imaginings. And I know that whenever our “plans” go awry, God is there—no, God is here, with us, in joy and in sorrow, in life and in death, in snow—and in springtime.

God does not leave his children to fend for themselves. Ever.

Monday Pause today and pray for our church family at University Circle UMC, and for our future hopes, dreams and vision. Habakkuk 2:20

Tuesday Today, let your heart pray for the Cleveland Municipal School District, its leaders and teachers, and especially, for the children who will lead our community into the future. Jeremiah 31:33-34

Wednesday Pray for our larger community of northeast Ohio, our elected officials and the leaders who envision a future of sharing and cooperation. Why not send an email or note of thanks to someone in leadership today? Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday Pray for nations experiencing strife and discord. Pray for the healing peace of the One True God to be realized in their midst. Revelation 21:22-26

Friday The Japanese practice of kintsugi uses gold to repair broken objects, making them even more beautiful than the original. Meditate today on a broken place where God has “put you back together” in a new and beautiful way. Give thanks. Ecclesiastes 4:10-12

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, meditate on a dream you have for your life. Ask God to reveal God’s self in your plan. Genesis 28:12-17

Sunday On this first “little Easter” during Lent, pray for the Holy Spirit to fill your heart with new life. Zechariah 7:4-10

It was amazing how you could get so far from where you’d planned, 
and yet find it was exactly where you needed to be.    
–Susan Dessen


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