The little things

If your heart is right, then every creature is a mirror of life to you and a book of holy learning, for there is no creature—no matter how tiny or lowly—that does not reveal God’s goodness. –Thomas á Kempis

What a tremendous winter we’ve had! Snow on top of snow on top of snow. The piles have grown higher and higher, getting an occasional “freshening up,” and everyone has been driving a grey car. Sometimes it seems it may never end. (“Oh, but it’s so beautiful. . . .”)

When it’s all piled up like that, we can lose sight of the fact that that huge “snow sculpture” at the end of my driveway is actually made up of gazillions of teeny, tiny snowflakes.

Just goes to show: it really is the little things that make a difference.

Our world can be a daunting place. The problems can seem so huge: revolution in Syria; revolt in Kiev; devastating drought in California. Some days, we might shake our heads in despair and wonder. How can I possibly do anything to make a difference in the world? Or even in my community?

Asking that question is the first step to answering it. Imagine. Imagine all of us praying to the Almighty, desiring a closer walk. Imagine all of us sharing a vision, dreaming the same dream. Imagine taking a first step.

Now take that step. It’s the little things that change the world.

Monday Today, cut a paper snowflake (or more than one). Remember how? Praise God for this smallest gift of beauty. Job 38:4-7

Tuesday Pray today for a child in your life, whether your own or someone else’s. Pray God’s blessing and guidance in their life. 1 John 3:1-3

Wednesday Pray for teachers and others who shape the lives of tomorrow’s leaders. Consider writing a note. It might be a life-changer. Isaiah 11:6

Thursday Do you know someone who is serving as a missionary abroad? Pray for them, as they seek to shine the Light of Christ into some very dark corners. Zechariah 2:10-11

Friday Pray today for those sensing a Call from God. Pray for open minds, soft hearts and courage in the face of the uncertain. Romans 12:1-2

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask God to show you some new way, a little thing, perhaps, that you can do to change your corner of the world. Give thanks; invite another to join you. Move your feet. Joshua 6:2-5

Sunday (Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss!) As we gather today to share the bread and the cup, pray as you wait to receive. Allow your heart to be light. Give thanks for this gift—and be glad! 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

Dear Lord, grant me the grace of wonder. 
Surprise me, amaze me, awe me in every crevice of your universe. Amen.

–Abraham Joshua Heschel


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