So. What brings you here?

Sometimes life just seems like chapters. Some good, some bad, but all come together to create the story of our lives.

We all have a story to tell. Young or old, lifelong Clevelander or recent transplant, we all wound up in this community for a reason. Maybe you were born here and just never left; maybe you came for a job or an education. And just as importantly, you are still here for a reason. And the same is true about your presence at your house of worship on Sunday mornings.

You came here to worship, the first time, for a reason. Maybe a friend invited you; maybe you lost a bet. And this morning, you are here, again, for a reason. Even if this is the very first time you have set foot in this church (or any church), something brought you here.

It’s always a good thing to pause and ask, “Why?” (Sometimes the answer may be simply, “I don’t know,” or, “Just Because.”) Ask yourself what brought you here, and what brings you back Sunday after Sunday. Maybe it was the music or the message that enticed you at first. But what keeps us returning-- not simply to the building, but to this loving community of faith-- is the winsome, holy Presence of the Creator Spirit, moving in, through and among us all. Thanks be to God.

(This week’s Bible passages all come from the Psalms, those 150 songs which cover the vast expanse of human emotion and experience.)

Monday When was the last time you told a friend about the place you call your church home—and invited them to join you for worship? Before the week is done, share what makes this place special to you. Psalm 122

Tuesday Pray today for someone who, for whatever reason, you are not comfortable inviting to worship (a boss, perhaps, or a client), yet who could really use a little more God in their life. Psalm 8

Wednesday Perhaps you know someone who is no longer attending church. Pray for them—and then give them a call or drop them a love note. Psalm 42

Thursday Take a moment today to pray for other churches and houses of worship. Pray that God might use them as God is using our church family, for God’s glory and honor. Psalm 81

Friday  Church happens well beyond the four walls of a building. Pray today for those called to mission abroad, for their safety and comfort, and that they might be the living Word to those who hunger for more. Psalm 90

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, rededicate yourself to the work the Lord would have you do, those things for which you alone are uniquely suited. Give thanks. Psalm 30

Sunday Give thanks, as always, for this church family that gathers faithfully. Pray for the leadership, for their strength, wisdom and courage as we continue to grow together. Psalm 5

Our stories may be singular, but our destination is shared.
 –President Barack Obama


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