Starting again

“This, then, is how you should pray:" --Matthew 6:9a

I have been really sensing lately that there is another blog inside me, one focused on prayer. 

Oh, I know-- those elephants are all about prayer. Heck, they are prayer. And I will continue there, as well.

But what I've been feeling is that people-- maybe you-- have always been told, "You should pray," or "Pray about that." But maybe you feel your prayers aren't "good enough," or that it's just too hard, too embarrassing, too [fill in the blank] to pray. Maybe it feels like no one really talks about how to pray-- except, of course, for Jesus, in Matthew 6 and a couple parallel passages where we are given what's come to be known as The Lord's Prayer.

And it is a great prayer.

And there are other great prayers, and other ways to pray that do not involve rote.

So "my plan" here is to share, hopefully on a weekly or semi-regular basis, a lot of the work others have done on prayer, and explain a bit more how I see the whole prayer conversation coming together. 

Together here in community, or alone in our "prayer closets" (we'll talk about that, too), we'll explore the mystery of the gift of prayer.

Are you with me on this journey inward? I hope so. We have so much to learn from one another.



  1. I'm in, Heidi! Looking forward to learning alongside you.


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