Dealing with it.
If you have faith, then your whole life is
put in a pew perspective. You get to
work but enjoy the work at the same time. If you grow spiritually, you do
what’s in front of you
and let the results speak for themselves. –Roy Orbison
This virus thing just goes on and
on. The running gag is whether or not you know what day it is. We make up new
days—my favorite is Sumotuwedthufrisat. I can use it every single day. The
roller coaster of change is a stiff ride, isn’t it?
I want off. I really do. But the
cars are nowhere near the platform yet.
We all have different ways of
thinking we are handling things. Some work better than others. But in the midst
of all this stuff is this truth: Part of what we are experiencing is grief. Some of us are grieving
loved ones lost to the virus; others are grieving our freedoms, or the loss of
accustomed lifestyles. Even simple things, like being able to just run to the
store for a couple of things, instead of trying to limit our trips to once a
It stinks. It all stinks.
When we experience loss, the main
thing that has to happen is admitting
something has happened, and it is affecting us. As with an actual death of a
loved one, this grief will affect us, one way or another, one time or another.
If you don’t make space to
grieve, the grief will make its own space. If you will not admit you’re
struggling, one morning you just might be overcome.
Find a space. Find a friend with
two big, listening ears. Hit your knees. It’s okay to hurt. It’s okay
to weep. It’s okay.
(This week is about self-care. You deserve
your attention.)
Monday Anxiety can be contagious. Counter that by
being generous. Do a little kindness today. Breathe. Acts 1:6-8
Tuesday Sunshine, besides supplying Vitamin D, is a great spirit-lifter. Move your
chair near a window. Enjoy the sunshine and even the breeze. Breathe. Acts 1:9-14
Wednesday Television and the internet give us a lot of information (maybe too much). Turn
off, tune out and pick up a good fiction book. Breathe. Psalm 68:1-10
Thursday Being in quarantine or isolation doesn’t mean you need to be alone. Call a
friend. Be a friend. Listen. Breathe. Psalm
Friday Ever tried yoga? There are lots of online videos, even chair yoga. Meditate.
Breathe. Rest. John 17:1-11
Saturday As you pray for yourself today, laugh. Look for things in your life that are
absolutely absurd. Tell someone a joke. Breathe. 1 Peter 4:12-14
Sunday Today is about perspective. Take time
today to view things through God’s perspective. Today is but a moment. This,
too, shall pass. Breathe. 1 Peter 4:6-11
Not enough people in this world, I think,
carry a cosmic perspective with them. It could be life-changing. –Neil
Degrasse Tyson
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