Where are you, God?
If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment. –Henry David Thoreau There he stood, hood up over his head, cloak pulled tightly around him. He had laughed at lesser gods, taunted and murdered the prophets and really, really ticked off the queen. He was running for his life, sleeping in a cave, shivering in fear. The prophet Elijah had never felt so alone in his life. The few he loved, he had to leave behind in his mad flee to safety. Elijah was too terrified even to realize there were angels of the LORD caring for him, providing him rest and sustenance. Elijah prayed to the LORD to die, to join his ancestors. At least then he wouldn't be alone. But now Elijah is waiting. How will the LORD arrive? With a fanfare of angels and trumpets? In fire and glory? A demonstration of might and power? Not at all. As Elijah waited, there was fire and wind and earthquake-- but the Lord was not in any of those things...