It depends on where you're sitting.
Still, a man hears what he wants to hear—
and disregards the rest. –Paul Simon
Early season baseball is always
an adventure. The weather is often more winter than spring; players are bundled
up so tightly, they’re barely recognizable without the number on their back.
Attendance? Well, some nights, five thousand guests is a good number. The
Guy’s voice echoes through the ballpark. Lines at the coffee stand
circles around, while workers at the cold drink stands stand idly by, chatting
amongst themselves.
Five thousand people in a ballpark that holds nearly 40,000. The
guy with the foul mouth is having a heyday, knowing
his voice will carry on a night like this! Fans try out every seat in the
place, comparing this view and that, hollering across the sections to one
another. Workers (like me) stamp their feet, trying to stay warm.
Five thousand people. Hardly
anyone here tonight, they say. Hardly
worth the effort.
And yet.
And yet, when five thousand
people who don’t look like us, or speak our language, flee for their lives from
danger Americans cannot even imagine, five
thousand now becomes a teeming horde, an unimaginable invasion. An
onslaught to our borders that must be stopped.
It’s all about perspective. God’s
perspective makes sure everyone can find
a seat at the Table. Trust me—there is room for plenty more, and your seat is
still safe.
Monday Practice perspective today. Try looking at a familiar object through new eyes.
Keep at it until you notice something you never saw before. Give thanks for
eyes to see. Mark 8:22-26
Tuesday Election Day If you haven’t
already voted, please take the time to do so today. Don’t shirk this duty. Acts 1:12-26
Wednesday Visit a library. Learn something new
today. Open your mind to a new perspective. Deuteronomy
Thursday Be a safe space for someone who needs
one. Listen; learn; love.
Psalm 17:6-8
Friday Is there someone who’s hurt you that you
struggle to forgive—maybe even years later? If not today, when? Pray for peace
in your soul. Psalm 143:1-2
Saturday As you pray for yourself today,
bravely ask God to show you a dark place in your heart, a place where the light
of Christ might seem dim. Be open to God’s spirit. Luke 22:39-42
Sunday Do you always choose the same seat
during worship? Always sit with the same people? Mix it up today! Find a new
spot, new friends to sit with whom you just haven met yet. (It’s not that
hard.) Daniel 4:3
The only thing you sometimes have control
over is perspective. You don’t have control over your situation. But you have a
choice about how you view it. –Chris Pine
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