Ripple effect
Did I offer peace today? Did I
bring a smile to someone’s face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my
anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions.
I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits,
here in this world and the life to come.
–Henri J. M. Nouwen
Some days, it seems
like it’s all bad news. It starts
with a glance at the front page: desperate souls dying from overdoses; people
we’ve respected now making headlines for abhorrent behaviors; more saber
rattling in Korea and the Middle East.
Peace in our time? Sure
looks like we have a long, long way to go, doesn’t it?
Building peace begins
with each one of us. When we set aside daily time to focus on the Almighty and
the work God is doing in our own lives, we begin to see others through God’s eyes. Building peace
happens in the little things, the daily kindness offered to a friend—or a
stranger—that brings a smile to their face and ours. Like a pebble dropped in a
pond, peace ripples outward in ever-widening circles.
Mister Rogers reminds
us that there are good people everywhere; we just need to look for them. And if
it seems as if you will never, ever
be able to find a good person, that’s your cue to be that good person.
We cannot do
everything, but each one of us can do one thing.
Peace begins in you. Peace begins with you. Spread it around.
Monday What brings joy to your heart? To what
do you turn when you want to feel better? Find something that reminds you of
this source of joy and place it where you will see it regularly. John 16:20
Tuesday Stop and consider someone to whom you
are a light that shines. Today is a good day for a random act of kindness. (So
is tomorrow!) Galatians 5:22-23
Wednesday Give thanks today for those who provide leadership to your
congregation. Consider sending a note or email of thanksgiving to these people
who impact your life. Romans 1:8-10
Thursday Thank God today for the gift of music,
and for those willing to share their gifts with us in worship and praise. Psalm 108:1-5
Friday As we draw closer to Christmas, life can
become even more hectic. Pause. Do nothing. Rest. Allow peace to fill your
spirit. Matthew11:28-30
Saturday Imagine the joy on a child’s face upon
receiving an unexpected gift. Consider making a donation to honor a child (of
any age) whom you love. 1 Peter 2:8-9
Sunday Worship and praise take many forms.
Relax and take in the sights and sounds in your chosen house of worship. What
makes this place so special—for you? Psalm
Pursue some path, however narrow and
crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence. –Henry David Thoreau
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