To Do List
The reward for work well done is the
opportunity to do more. –Jonas Salk
Are you a list-maker? (I probably
should be.) Sometimes, it’s absolutely necessary, if I expect to have a
successful day or week, I have to
make a list. Otherwise, I wind up standing in Target looking around like a lost
child, trying to remember what I came in for.
Really, so much of Life goes
easier with a list. We should focus our spirits on making the world a better
place. So if you’re struggling today to remember what it means to be a follower
of Jesus, I’m offering you a list as a starting point:
Love your neighbor. Open
a door. Volunteer to help with a
community meal. Eat lunch with a
Offer a smile or a hug. Network
together. Express gratitude.
Advocate for justice. Never
go to bed angry. Order take-out—and
share with a neighbor. Take a pet
for a walk. Have coffee with a
long-lost friend. Expect a
miracle—and you will see one. Remember,
not everyone is a mind-reader; if you love them, tell them.
And within this list, look
closely and you will find a nice, concise summary. Carry this list in your
wallet or in your heart. Don’t bother checking things off; just keep checking
the list and paying it forward.
Jesus would be proud.
Monday Focus today on ways you have sensed God’s
loving presence in your life recently. Give thanks and rest. John 3:16-17
Tuesday Hunger is a problem in our community.
How can you help? Consider volunteering at a community meal in your area. Exodus 16:11-15
Wednesday Take time today to educate yourself about this “elephant in
the room” and pray for those who struggle. 2
Samuel 1:19-27
Thursday God is not diminished by our doubts.
Pause today during prayer and ask God a question (or five) that you’ve kept
deep in your heart until now. Listen and rest. Matthew 12:46-50
Friday Look deep in your own heart for a place
where you struggle with judging others. Ask God to give you fresh, loving eyes
to see. Isaiah 29:13-14
Saturday As you pray for yourself today, thank
God for the places and ways God has brought healing to your life. If there are
areas where you desire deeper healing, ask. Rest. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18
Sunday Learning and growth happens when we come together seeking a deeper relationship
with God and with one another. Enjoy this time together and give thanks. Psalm 122:1-9
Great things are done by a series of small
things brought together. –Vincent Van Gogh
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