What's on your plate?
Your net worth to the world is usually
determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good
ones. –Benjamin Franklin
A French physiologist is credited
as the first to tell us, You are what you
eat. The computer-age equivalent of this is Garbage In; Garbage Out. Whatever goes into my mouth has a direct
effect on how my body and mind looks and feels and functions. It seems pretty
obvious, doesn’t it?
The same holds true of our
“spiritual bellies.” Whatever we feed our spirit day after day after day forms
and shapes the way we view the world around us. It influences how we grow to
interact with our fellow travelers on this journey called Life.
As Christians, we are instructed
to feed our spirit on whatever is true, noble, right, pure and lovely (Philippians 4:8), and to cultivate the
fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:28).
These are the things we need to grow stronger in our faith and more Christ-like
in our walk.
By contrast, the evening news and
the internet, if we are not careful, can feed us a steady stream of fear and
hatred, uncertainty and even outright lies. It can be enticing (and even tasty
at times) to believe the world really is as broken and horrible as some would
like us to believe.
That’s when it’s time to step
back and be sure our diet, both physical and spiritual, is balanced. Am I
eating right? Fruits and veggies and plenty of water? And—am I reading right? Do I spend time each day
with Scripture? Do I make time to listen for God’s guidance every day, not just when things are
difficult? Or am I starving my spirit of something it really needs?
Monday You knew this was coming: Start the week
with a quick check of your diet. Overall, how well do you eat? Where could you
make one simple, healthy change? Revelation
Tuesday Valentine’s
Day Tell someone you love them—and tell them why. What about that person is unique and special to you? Song of Songs 4:15
Wednesday Take a media break today. Choose to
turn off your “devices,” including TV and radio, and listen in the silence for
Love. Ezekiel 47:1-2
Thursday Look in the mirror. Look deeply. Are
your eyes looking back in love, or something else? Does your face reflect a
peace-filled spirit, or something else? 1
Corinthians 1:3
Friday Take a walk or stroll today, or sit near
a window and rest. Look for the marks of God nearby. Give thanks. John 4:10-15
Saturday Talk with a friend today about ways
you might work together on your spiritual diet. As Lent comes closer, consider
a focused study. Do this for yourself. Isaiah
Sunday After a week of good “food,” come
together and praise the One who gives us all good things (along with the will
and desire to choose them). Share the
good news of God’s love widely, freely and with love on your face. Psalm 111:1
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today
to get through this thing called . . . Life.
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