That's just . . . CRAZY!
Spare me perfection. Give me instead the
wholeness that comes from embracing the full reality of who I am, just as I am.
–David G. Benner
Some days it seems just about
impossible to believe God can possibly
love me.
Seriously. I am very, very good
at beating myself up over things that, in the grand scheme, don’t matter even a
whit. But that doesn’t stop me from living and re-living my worst moments, over
and over in my mind, blaming, excusing—and wishing things had turned out differently.
I think that’s called being human, and I think we all do it,
to one degree or another.
The sad thing is, some days it
also feels as if God operates the same way, keeping a list of everything we do
and somehow charting our eternal destiny based on how short our personal
Screw-Up List is when we die. That’s not Good News.
I am here to remind you, in case
you forgot: God is better and bigger than that. (Thank God.)
God’s Love for each of us is
beyond our imagining. Is God crazy about every thing we do? Of course not! I’m
fairly certain there are times God is shaking his head (or his fist) in
frustration over my failure to listen and follow. But God is crazy about me-- and you. God loves you to the core of your being, and
when you have one of those days (or
weeks), and you feel as if God has left the building, know and trust and
believe: God’s love is still there. God’s presence is still surrounding you.
All you need to do is pause . . . and turn . . . and look.
Crazy, huh?
Monday Pause today and count a few blessings. If you can, thank someone who made your
way easier. Ezekiel 34:25-27
Tuesday Do you struggle to see the Imago Dei,
the image of God, when you look in the mirror? Pray today for a loving
heart—for yourself. Genesis 1:26-27
Wednesday Be honest with yourself. Is there someone or something against which
you find yourself innately biased? Confess to God and ask for peace. Genesis 21:8-13
Thursday Just for fun—read the back of one of your bills or statements. Praise God that
God doesn’t hold us to such legal requirements, but simply loves us. Period.
How does that feel? John
Friday Take time today to call a friend or family member with whom you’ve lost touch.
If there are fences to mend, try to mend them. Genesis 28:10-17
Saturday As you pray for yourself today, spend time in silence and meditate on God’s
unconditional love for you, God’s beloved child. Philippians 1:9-11
Sunday Greet one another in Christian love. Worship and praise the God who loves us
just because, and is always proud of
us, no matter what. Amen? Ephesians
Don’t worry about other people’s opinions of
you. God never told you to impress people, only to love them. –Dave Willis
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