That's just . . . CRAZY!
Spare me perfection. Give me instead the wholeness that comes from embracing the full reality of who I am, just as I am. –David G. Benner Some days it seems just about impossible to believe God can possibly love me. Seriously. I am very, very good at beating myself up over things that, in the grand scheme, don’t matter even a whit. But that doesn’t stop me from living and re-living my worst moments, over and over in my mind, blaming, excusing—and wishing things had turned out differently. I think that’s called being human , and I think we all do it, to one degree or another. The sad thing is, some days it also feels as if God operates the same way, keeping a list of everything we do and somehow charting our eternal destiny based on how short our personal Screw-Up List is when we die. That’s not Good News. I am here to remind you, in case you forgot: God is better and bigger than that. (Thank God.) God’s Love for each of us is beyond our imagining. Is God cra...