Jesus-colored glasses
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. –Confucius My husband recently had surgery for cataracts. You may know the drill: get the first eye taken care of; wait two weeks and get the second one done. It’s a relatively common procedure these days. So he went for the first eye, and everything went well. And he had some improvement in his distance vision. He knew all along his close-up vision wouldn’t improve. But after the second surgery, he was amazed. Everything was brighter! Colors were brighter, and outside—he really needed those dark glasses, because—wow! But something else happened, as well. Suddenly, he became aware of how dirty the windows were. Especially the big one in the living room, where the cats sit and watch the birds. It was before the pandemic that we had them washed, and it showed. He was able to ignore it for about three weeks. Then he had to do something. One day, I came home from the church and everything was sparkly and clean! Th...