What does He see in me?
I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self. –Aristotle Lent, by its very definition and nature, is a time for serious introspection. Many people take this season as a time to eliminate a bad habit (like smoking or overeating sweets) or undesirable activity (like swearing) from our day-to-day life. That’s really great, since doing something for forty days just may make it a permanent change. The downside is, with so much focus on repentance and sinfulness, it can be easy to look in the mirror and only see the miserable sinner looking back. The negatives, it seems, are always easier to focus on; in so doing, if we are not careful we can be really hard on ourselves. We can forget that God doesn’t “score” us the same way we (or the world) score ourselves. Remember that magic word, grace ? The word that reminds us that God’s Love is unconditional, and not based on what we deserve? Rather, God loves us b...