Big Business?
I am under no obligation to be the same person I was five minutes ago. –Anonymous How do we decide if a church is a “successful” church? What, exactly, pleases God when it comes to our churches? What sets apart the good ones from the not-so-good ones? Can success in a church be measured by “butts and bucks” (or the more G-rated “nickels and noses”)? There may be as many answers as there are churches. The United Methodist Church’s Book of Discipline states, The mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ, for the transformation of the world . It seems to me that’s a pretty safe place to begin when deciding if a church is good at being a church. Are people gathering to worship God together? Are we going out the door energized, filled with desire to share the Good News with others through the way we live our daily lives? Is there giving going on-- not just from our pockets, but from our hearts? Are our lives the very best “advertisement” for the Christ whom w...