How's that again???
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if we can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them. –The Dalai Lama How’s that again?? Every Sunday, we flock to our churches to hear about ways to make a difference. Various churches offer food collections, prison ministry opportunities and chances to work on Habitat houses—all manner of ways to live into Jesus’ commandment to love one another. But then we go home, turn on the TV or internet, and for the other six days we are painfully reminded of how far we have yet to go: --In the past two weeks, seven predominantly Black churches have been targeted by arsonists in Missouri. This is the second recent wave of church burnings. --A judge in Denver ordered a rescue mission that serves homeless men closed following a complaint lodged by the local neighborhood association. --Refugees, from Syria and elsewhere, continue to be turned away as they seek a safer place to raise their families. Do these events ...